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Can you use verbal commands to get the EOS R8 to take a picture?


We have an R8 and have been looking through the manual and online videos for setting up voice commands like telling the camera to shoot as you can do with a cell phone. It is hard to believe this camera can not do that. Any help would be appreciated.



This is a great question that I think a lot of people are starting to ask.  

I started with a Rolli knockoff in the mid 80s with a handheld light meter.  With the attitude of some of the contributors here I would not have been a Canon DSLR owner since the day the D-30 hit the market or a photoshop retoucher since a beta was available for the Mac2. Every technical development be it metering or auto-focus or face recognition has been decried as "not a camera" by contemporary purists. The rest of us just got on with our work making the best photos we could incorporating the new tools where appropriate.  Sure some of it is gimmicks but if I could set ISO, AF, WB, aperture/shutter etc instead without changing position or taking my eye off the finder, that would be amazing for the kind of work I do.

As some others have said this is not the forum to make your wishes known to Canon but DO go the feedback page of their website and let them know.

Exactly!  Not even my wife listens to everything I say.  I sure wouldn't want my camera to.  😄 


Between Digital and Film, current number of working cameras is at 27.
Addiction is a horrible thing.

Feel free to send Canon feedback.
