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CANON T5i Exposure Meter Not accurate

Hey there guys, well my problem is that I have a canon t5i amd everytime I take a photo no matter what mode I am in (P/M/Aperture, etc) I will obtain different pictures if I take the photo with the screen or through the view finder. The one taken through the screen looks fine, but the one through the viewfinder is always overexposed like a LOT! I can't use the same settings for both photos because after taking a good picture through the lcd screen, the exposure meter through the viewfinder always asks me to either use a higher ISO or a wider aperture or to shoot at slower speeds to get more light in. Why is the exposure meter off? The only way to get decent pictures is to set all settings to lead the exposure meter 3 or sometimes 4 steps underexposed. What can I do?


Is this something new or has it always happened?


What exposure mode are you in?


Have you tried to reset the camera?

I bought the camera recently second-handed and I just realized it had this problem. I have tried this with every mode on the camera and it still happens even when set to AUTO. I already did a reset, updated the firmware all to no avail. This is very frustrating. At first I thought I had messed some setting without even knowing about it, but when I tried in AUTO and still got two waaay different pictures through the View Finder and the LCD screen I knew I had a problem. Please help!

@Hamdrex wrote:
I bought the camera recently second-handed and I just realized it had this problem. I have tried this with every mode on the camera and it still happens even when set to AUTO. I already did a reset, updated the firmware all to no avail. This is very frustrating. At first I thought I had messed some setting without even knowing about it, but when I tried in AUTO and still got two waaay different pictures through the View Finder and the LCD screen I knew I had a problem. Please help!

What lens are you using?

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

As far as I know, the exposure is set the same in viewfinder and live view. i.e., the sensor is not used for exposure. I don't know why they would be different. It could be something blocks the exposure chip when the mirror is down. You have done all the right things, it is probably time to take it in for service.

Yeah, I've read every forum and every thread and nobody really seems to know what the heck is going on. I just finished a call with Canon service and they say the light meter might need calibrating. I think I have no other choice but to send it in for service. 😞 I hope it is not very expensive.

Try looking at the EXIF data from a handful of images and see which metering mode is in effect for shots that are properly exposed as well some that are overexposed. Is the metering mode changing between Average, Evaluative, Spot Metering, etc.? Are their unexpected variations in the ISO ratings?


As Wadizzle asked, what type and brand of lens are you using?
