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Brand New 5D mkIII Bizarre viewfinder issue


I have a brand new 5d MKIII, that arrived today. I took it out of the box, and put my (also) brand new 24-70 L series on it. Looking thru the viewfinder, I cannot get the lens to manually focus. I try the lens on a different body, it's working properly. I try adjusting the diopter of the viewfinder. It makes no difference.

Ok, I think, I'll try autofocus. I put a battery in the camera and boom!, everything is pin sharp. Great, I think, so I adjust the viewfinder using the focus points then take the battery out to continue charging it. Instantly, the problem returns.


Does anyone have any idea what's going on?




 "Canon warns that removing the battery while the camera is writing to the card could result in corruption of data".


Where does it say that? I couldn't find it in the 5D Mk III manual. 

Mike Sowsun

Page 33, gray "warning" box at the bottom of the page.


But really, this is basic stuff. Good electronics/computer practices have always included "ejecting" cards and ensuring that nothing is writing when power is shut down.

Thanks, I hadn't seen that before.

Mike Sowsun