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6D autofocus suddenly can't find focus


Really hoping someone can help me out with this before I resort to sending it to Canon.


I had to leave my 6D sitting in it's bag for about a year locked inside of a safe. I had a half dozen dessicant packets in there and nothing else but some paper documents. I was however, ignorant enough to leave the battery in the camera for all that time. That may or may not be relevant. 


I just pulled the camera out and turned it on to find that the AF acts like what I can only describe as "bouncy." Focusing through the optical viewfinder, it will almost find it's focus point, then hesitate, then start bouncing back and forth rapidly between focusing just barely too far and just barely too close. It will do this infinitely until it finally just gives up, giving me the sign that it failed to find it's focus point. 


I have tried autofocusing using the live view mode (on the LCD screen) and it worked just fine, so I know it is not a lens issue and is likely originating from the sensor underneath the mirror in the camera body, as the AF used in live view mode does not use the same sensor that AF through the optical viewfinder does. I have blown the sensor area out with an air syringe to clear any dust. There are no signs of mold or corrosion anywhere. Used multiple different batteries all with full charge and life. Tried focusing in every different kind of lightning and every different texture surface.


My autofocus has always been lightning fast even in extremely low light in the past, and I'm stumped and don't want to pay Canon $300+ to diagnose and fix it if I don't have to. 


Any input would be much appreciated. Thank you!




That's interesting. A definite possibility considering it was in an unventilated safe, too. Thanks for the info
