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6D Mark II GPS stopped working


Dear all


I bought a shiny new 6D Mark II for my trip to Iceland, but afree just two days now, i noticed that the GPS feature comepletely stopped working. I am not sure when and how it stopped working (probably didn’t work since I arrived here), but before I went to Iceland I already shot many picture with a geo tag. 


Now, not even the GPS symbol on the LCD display flashes any longer. I have it definitely turned on and even reset all camera settings, but still nothing is working. 


Any ideas?


thanks and best wishes


Hey there.

Just posting the solution here. Apparently it was enough to remove the battery and put it back in. No idea why it did not work before, but now it’s back on.

View solution in original post



Was this a purchase of a brand new camera ...or a used camera?


If you just purchased it (new and within a few days) then you should be able to exchange it.


I initially wondered if you knew to go into the Menu system and enable the GPS (the 6D II has a "mode 1" and "mode 2" ... or "disable")  One mode (mode 1) leaves the GPS running at all times (even with camera off).  The other (mode 2) disables the GPS if the camera is switched off (to save power).  


The GPS does require a clear view of the sky.  It wont be able to acquire a position fix indoors.  Outdoors can be a problem if doesn't have clear view (dense forest, tall buildings, etc.)


A GPS receiver needs 12.5 minutes to download a complete copy of the GPS satellite data (this is referred to as the "almanac").  A GPS that has not been used in a very long time can have such an outdated almanac that it can take a while to get a position fix.  


But if you are outside with a clear view of the sky and you leave the camera powered up with the GPS enabled for at least 12.5 minutes, then there would be no reason for it not to work correctly.  (You're not near any strong radio interference?  Power lines?  etc.)


If this is the case and if it is a new camera (still within the reasonable period to get it exchanged) then that's probably what I'd do.



Tim Campbell
5D III, 5D IV, 60Da

Thanks for the reply. 


It indeed is a new camera and GPS has worked before. And yes, I know about mode 1 and 2 and I tried both. 😕


regarding the GPS signal: normally the GPS symbol on the lcd should flash when the camera is searching for a signal, but the symbol doesn’t even matter what mode I have set in the GPS settings. 


Also exchanging the camera for a new one doesn’t help me now, because my vacation will be long over before I manage to do that. Hmmm.. 😞 

Hey there.

Just posting the solution here. Apparently it was enough to remove the battery and put it back in. No idea why it did not work before, but now it’s back on.