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6D Light Meter Issues


When taking a picture in low light situations the meter gives a reading 3 stops under exposed; point it towards a bright scene and all is well . . .  It does not matter what metering mode I'm using.


i tried clearing all the camera settings, tried a different lens, and still the problem exists.  Have I missed something or is it time to visit the service center?




I just Bought the 6D specificaly for is much touted low light abilities and find myself having the same issue. I will go out side set up the camera on a tripod, aim it at a lake behind the house I will have the camera set to manual mode and open at 4.0 with an iso of 3200 when I adjust the shutter speed so that the metering slide at the bottom is in the middle at 0. To me this indiacates a correct exposure. If I switch it over to live view it will now be 2 stops below the zero mark without changing any other settings. This happens using any meter mode evaluative, spot, center etc.


When I take the picutre with the exposure meter on the zero I expect the meter be then be metering for an 18% relectiviyt so the night scene infront of me should appear brighter, when I expose properly with the view finder, the picture is almost pitch black, with the exposure set through live view it turns out perfect... I have tried the battery removal for a full day and cleared all the camera functions to no avail. is this normal?



I use a 6D, and the only occasions when I have noticed a significant difference in light between the viewfinder and LiveView is when I am using a fully manual lens, one that does not communicate with the camera, AND the camera is set to any mode except for Manual.


When I use a fully manual lens, I find that when I change the camera ISO setting to AUTO, then apparent brightness of the image during LiveView matches what is visible through the viewfinder.  I have used these settings for shooting video, too.

"Fooling computers since 1972."

I am using the canon 24-104 l lens and it does it on any setting but I want to keep iso and aperture the same, just have the shutter speed change

@Mbrow124 wrote:

I just Bought the 6D specificaly for is much touted low light abilities and find myself having the same issue. I will go out side set up the camera on a tripod, aim it at a lake behind the house I will have the camera set to manual mode and open at 4.0 with an iso of 3200 when I adjust the shutter speed so that the metering slide at the bottom is in the middle at 0. To me this indiacates a correct exposure. If I switch it over to live view it will now be 2 stops below the zero mark without changing any other settings. This happens using any meter mode evaluative, spot, center etc.


When I take the picutre with the exposure meter on the zero I expect the meter be then be metering for an 18% relectiviyt so the night scene infront of me should appear brighter, when I expose properly with the view finder, the picture is almost pitch black, with the exposure set through live view it turns out perfect... I have tried the battery removal for a full day and cleared all the camera functions to no avail. is this normal?



Is this with your eye up to and looking through the viewfinder?


The viewfinder metering is in the viewfinder. If you are taking a picture without your eye up to the viewfinder, light can enter the rear of the viewfinder and mess up your exposure.


Your camera came with a little rubber piece to cover the viewfinder when you don't have your eye up to the viewfinder.

6D eyepiece cover.JPG
6D eyepiece cover II.JPG
I find that a lens bottom cap also works well to cover the viewfinder, and is easier to use in my opinion as you don't have to remove the eyecup to use it. Just slide the lens bottom cap over the eye cup.
