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5d mar iii black lcd


HI, my 5d mark iii went black. it doesn't show picture on the lcd, and just black picture on the sd card. I can see the menu. I did  reset all camera settings, custom setting, took out battery and card, put back in different order.... What else can i try????? Thank you


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi eszter,


There may be some settings that are causing this, like severe underexposure or flash being out of sync. What mode are you shooting in, and does it behave the same way in the green auto mode? I'd also recommend trying with a different lens, or potentially no lens at all, to make sure it is a camera issue and not a lens problem.I would recommend trying these in a room where there is plenty  of light just to rule out other environemtnal factors.

Thank you Mark, i tried 3 different lens, outside, every shooting mode.
Tried without lens, the mirror is moving up and down.
Any idea on the settings? I reset all in the settings... So no idea....

You're welcome, Eszter.


If it is behaving the same way in the auto mode in daylight with multiple lenses, then you may be experiencing a shutter or sensor issue since the menu options are displaying properly. It is probably best to have it checked out by a technician in that case. I'll include the link for you here.

Thank you so much ☹️ i send it in.