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5d Mark III - Metering Underexposed


So first off, I apologize as I think I've seen a similar thread here but I can't find it anymore!


I purchased a 5d Mark III as an upgrade from my 7d a couple of weeks ago and, although I am happy, there is one main issue that is bothering me.


When I meter a "perfect" exposure, the camera is delivering about a full stop UNDER that.


My normal settings are; 

Shoot in M

Center focus point

Spot metering

AI Servo.



I generally shoot 2/3 over anyway, and find that I'm needing to now shoot at least 1 2/3 over to get the same result as my 7d. In addition to that, I'm getting a noticeable vignette in lower (but even/consistent) light situations.


I have tried all the different metering options, including variations on the focus points. I have done a full factory reset and the issue is consistent across all my lenses. 


Any ideas?



I am sorry I misunderstood what you were trying to say.  I know you are not interested in the 7D but, yes, it does in Evaluation mode give more weigth to the most focused point.  But it doesn not turn off all the other points which is what I though you were trying to say.

And I believe all Canon DSLR"s do that (excepting the 1 series).

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

This is true with the 7D, I can say for experience, but I can't seem to figure it out or get it to work with the mkiii, which , IMO, seems crazy to get rid of such an important feature.