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5D MkIII: Info Button or Q Button? Why the two?


Hi all


I would like to know your opinion about the design of the buttons of the MkIII. I suggest that the buttons Q and Info should be merged into one button for the following reason: When I want to see the Cam settings then I can press either Info or Q. When I press Info I can not make any changes. I have to additionally press Q to be able to change the settings or press the Q button from the beginning. I think that one of the buttons is too much. 


Of course you can press the Info button several times in order to get different Information. This can be done with one unique button as well.


Best regards, 




You can change how INFO/Q button function via custom function.
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thanx for your reply. But I do not think that this is correct. It is correct that I can show more or less information behind the Info button (menu point setup 3: second last point). The Q button can not be changed. When I say this I refer to the Menu C.Fn2: Disp./Operation last menu point.


Best regards, Alex

hsbn is right.  My answer to your question Why the two is why not?   If you dislike the INFO button showing the same info as the Q then turn it off.  The option is in the yellow area, look for the wrench (3rd menu of 4).  

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Thank you


This is correct. It is very limited unfortunately. However it is how it is. Maybe tgis will be adapted within a coming firmware release.


Thanks again for your reply.


Regards, Alex
