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can not use F22 or iso less than 400 with lens 17-55 , help me ?


I have canon 80d and lens EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM, when I need to reduce the F to F22, the light will be very low or dim especially in the video mode, So in this case, I must increase the iso to about 12000 , but the last value would produce the video with very noise. so with my lens, I can not definitely use the value of F22 which is very useful in some case to reduce or get rid of Blur for the background of things, so please recommend me? I Need your help please.

see my video below to understand me completely:


also see this following article which is explain why I need to get iso about 400 


[Mod note: Please do not post in bold or a large font. This can be seen as yelling or rude behavior.]


@Waddizzle wrote:

@srmdnadem wrote:


@Waddizzle wrote:

Good.  If you understand the basics, then you will understand my suggestion that you invest in video lights.  Many people use them.

if you have any instruction and values that may use it in my camera and reach to get more thought, I will love it, do you have it, please?

I can offer no recommendations for specific products.  Everyone has different needs.


You should seek the advice of a reputable vendor that sells video gear.  I have had good results with B&H Photo Video in NYC with their advice for photo accessories.  They have experts in various topics related to shooting video.  Most of their online experts work for equipment manufacturers.

You need sufficient light to drop your ISO several stops.  You will likely need more than one to avoid hard shadows.  Do not be alarmed if the recommend four, either.


thank you advance from my heart. I will accept your response as a solution

This is a common video problem, you need a neutral density filter.

@kvbarkley wrote:

This is a common video problem, you need a neutral density filter.

How would an ND filter help?  There is not enough light.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

He hasn't told us *why* he needs f/22.

@Waddizzle wrote:

@srmdnadem wrote:


@Waddizzle wrote:

Good.  If you understand the basics, then you will understand my suggestion that you invest in video lights.  Many people use them.

if you have any instruction and values that may use it in my camera and reach to get more thought, I will love it, do you have it, please?

I can offer no recommendations for specific products.  Everyone has different needs.


You should seek the advice of a reputable vendor that sells video gear.  I have had good results with B&H Photo Video in NYC with their advice for photo accessories.  They have experts in various topics related to shooting video.  Most of their online experts work for equipment manufacturers.

You need sufficient light to drop your ISO several stops.  You will likely need more than one to avoid hard shadows.  Do not be alarmed if the recommend four, either.

do you recommend me please a good light for take videos and images ? give me production from ebay please?


for example, I knew about the following studio 


2016 2x 135W Bulb Photo Studio Lamp Umbrella Light Stand Continuous Lighting Kit  



if you have a good suggestion, let me know from ebay please ?

Again, I can offer no recommendation on a video light.  However, I can recommend that you shop somewhere besides eBay.  I do not know enough about video lights.


@kvbarkley - I believe he said that he was using f/22 to expand the DOF, and have the background in focus, too.  I do not understand the rationale behind it, so I did not question it.  I think f/22 is way too narrow, and f/8 should be sufficient.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Waddizzle: Yeah, I think you are right. ND's are used for the opposite problem, wanting to use a wide aperature for more DOF. My Bad.



google "lensrentals blog breakdown lighting options" [without the quotes] for an idea of what's available. From there you can search your favorite commerce sites. Posting links like that are not allowed on this board.

thank you for your answer 

@kvbarkley wrote:

Waddizzle: Yeah, I think you are right. ND's are used for the opposite problem, wanting to use a wide aperature for more DOF. My Bad.



google "lensrentals blog breakdown lighting options" [without the quotes] for an idea of what's available. From there you can search your favorite commerce sites. Posting links like that are not allowed on this board.

are you delet my enquiry about the lights ? which have a link of ebay ?? what is the reason please ?  because I was on the way to delete just the link and put the title of light, and if you do not delete, who is do that ?

Hi srmdnadem,


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