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Purchase 55-250mm lens in addition to bundled 18-135 lens kit?


Hi, my point and shoot just aint doing it anymore. I'm looking to mainly do video on my dslr. But I also love taking macro photos (irrevelent b/c none of these lens are macro). With that said I'm getting the t4i. I tried the t4i with the regular 18-55 lens and I had to return it. I just wanted a little more zoom and definately the smooth autofocus. So the 18-135 STM lens is a must. 


My question is should I get the 55-250 lens too? It's only about $80 (after the $150 discount) on Amazon. I do plan on using the 55-250 if it will give me better zoom. I would definately use it to capture subjects such as birds, anamials, etc. However, I hear the main diffrence between the 18-135 and 55-250, is that the 55-250 is slightly sharper and only slighly better in terms of zoom. If this is the case I don't think I would get the 55-250. Also, if the 55-250 price was was $200 or above, I would not get it either. So my delimema is more of should I get it because I think I'm getting a deal. But, I will definaely use and enjoy it if I get it.  Opinions? 



For $80?  Absolutely.  Welcome to SLR, things won't be that cheap again!  I've got filters that cost more than that.


The 55-250 isn't terrific, but it's better quality than the 18-55 IMHO.  I actually still use mine (on my 400D) as I upgraded a bunch of ultra-wide, wide, macro, and prime lenses and never pulled the trigger on the 70-200.  It's slow, it won't win any sharpness awards, but it's infinately better than nothing.  At $80 it's kind of a no brainer.


Edit:  the main difference between the 18-135 and the 55-250 is the focal length.  I can't comment on the IQ, never been much a test charts kinda guy, but I'd suspect in the real world that performace will be along the same lines.  But 250 is significant reach over 135.


I'd pay that too, and later if you decide you don't like it sell it at the going rate locally. In my area it's about double what you'll be paying & more. This is the cheapest of the 3 currently listed for sale here.

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."