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Best upgrade


I purchased a Canon EOS Rebel XTi camera in a package deal a few years back that came with a EFS 18-55mm and a EF 75-300 zoom lens. It has been a good setup for me but what would be the single best thing I could purchase to make it better? Something or a combination of things under a cople hundred dollars. I'm a novice.


You will get better landscape pictures by using a prime lens and a panorama bracket - if you are handy you could make one - the bracket lets the camera rotate about the nodal point- compared with using a massively wide angle lens. 

Definitely a tripod - a light one will not do. Your existing lens will do a good job using the pan kit.


Did I mention shoot in raw? Convert to jpg using Canon's DPP, easy. 


Look at the work of acknowledged masters eg Ansel Adam.

Your kit is better than the equipment he had.


It's the person behind the camera that is the most important.


[Mod note - removed link per FORUM GUIDELINES (no "buy here" links)]



"You will get better landscape pictures by using a prime lens and a panorama bracket -..."


If take this route, buy a magnifying class along with it.  As a small viewing screen is going to have a very skinny and very long picture on it.  Sorta like some movies that are resized for TV with the black bars at the top and bottom.

Likely the same for any of the blogs you are on.

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

Not quite right. that might happen if you pan with camera in its usual orientation, that is why I said vertically.

The height:width ratio will also depend upon how much of a pan that you do.


A single ultra-wide angle of this would be distorted.

 I wanted to touch base and first off than everyone for the time spent filling me with information. And I wanted to share what steps I have made so far.

 I bought  a UV filter for both len's, a circular Polarizing lens and a hood for each lens. I have not had a chance to experiment as of yet but will today.

 I also inquired about the new 10-18 lens and it just might be my next addition wen it comes available.

 Thanks again and I'm sure I will have more questions and hopefully will learn enough to be able to help others in the future.


 I forgot to mention, a couple of you mentioned a tri-pod. I do have 2 already. A small one I carry in my backpack when hiking (pretty flinsy but light). And a much more stable one as well. I probably don't use them as much as I should but will. 

If you have the reciepts for the UV filters, return them - they have no use for a digital camera.

"I bought  a UV filter for both len's, ..."


Great for added protection of the front element.  Good choice.  Smiley Happy

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

@Vetteran wrote:

If you have the reciepts for the UV filters, return them - they have no use for a digital camera.

It's amusing how dedicated you are to your jihad against people using protective filters.

Evidently you have no idea what a Jihad is!


The polarizer will protect the lens if you think that you want some minor protection. 

"The polarizer will protect the lens if you think that you want some minor protection."


As will the UV.  Smiley Surprised   You are quite right and finally seeing the light.  Smiley Happy

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

Not a lot, it's a frail piece of glass but at least the polorizer does have some effect unlike the UV.


