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Advice on buying a used 70-200 USM IS ii


Greetings all. I am ready to invest in a serious lens. I am strongly leaning towards the 70-200 f2.8L IS USM ii. I am planning on lookin at one for sale tomorrow. I have NO experience with used leneses, especially of this level. Aside from the obvious things like "does it work", what should I be looking out for? Anything specific to this lens to be aware of? Thanks in advance!!



Thanks to everyone for their feedback! I was able to purchase the lens I mentioned in an earlier comment. I was able to get a great deal for the lens, tripod ring, and a UV filter. It included all of the original packaging and materials. Got it for $1000. I was able to use it for a dozen lacrosse games, both day and night, under various weather conditions, and wow, I cannot say enough about this lens! It took my pics to a new level. Thanks again!!
