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canon pixma TR4700 not printing double sided


I have changed all of the settings on my printer and on the computer to duplex automatic double sided printing but everytime I click to print double sided the printer takes the paper back into the printer than spits it out without printing the second page on the back and says error that there is a paper jam when the computer actually already spit the paper out so there is no paper inside at all.


Product Expert
Product Expert


We would be happy to assist, but we would need some additional information to assist further. You can reply to this message with the information below and we can provide some troubleshooting steps or suggestions. For a more immediate resolution I would suggest contacting support over the phone at 1-800-652-2666. Our agents would be happy to assist.

!. When the paper jams during the duplex print, what error code appears on the printer's display screen?

2. What size and type of paper are you printing on when this happens?
