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TS9020 suddenly only printing blue


My TS9020 (windows OS) has suddenly decided to print in blue. I put in all new ink, ran troubleshooting, got a report that nozzles are clean, printed test page which DID print other colors. But when I try to print a document and choose grayscale…it only prints in blue. Any other ideas? Thanks!


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi Susancape,

Please load plain paper into your PIXMA TS9020 and follow these steps to print a test page:

1.  Turn your PIXMA TS9020 on.

2.  From the main menu of your TS9020, please tap the gear icon at the bottom of the display.  i_setup.jpg

3.  Tap Maintenance.  i_maintenance.jpg

4.  Tap Print nozzle check pattern.

5.  Tap Yes.

A test page will print.

Please take a picture of the test page that prints and then please include that in your reply to this post.








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Thank you Patrick! I downloaded a new driver and that seemed to fix the problem so far but will save this info and get back to you if not. Thanks. 
