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Re: Printer ix 6520 appears to be using ink at a fast rate.

Product Expert
Product Expert

Hello mikeandsylvia.


The iX6520 has smaller volume ink tanks than the ones that were used in the i9900.


However, you can make adjustments to the settings to reduce the print quality.  These adjustments would extend the life of the inks in the unit.  Changing the quality setting to 'Fast' will help conserve the amount of ink that is used with your printouts.


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Have only  had this printer for two weeks and although I have been testing its capabilities, the ink levels are dropping by the day. Is it normal for this printer to consume more ink than say the i9900 printer?


Thank you for the fast response to my question on the ix6520.

Are there any work arounds for using larger Ink tanks for this printer?


Mike Izon

Las Cruces, NM

There are external tanks from third parties that you can purchase. Look up the iX6520 on youtube for more information on these.

I would not suggest this solution if you are extremely particular about your color- as I'm not sure how their colors will match up to Canon's.



I appreciate your response.


Like you say, It's a risk investing in foreign Ink Tanks and the quality you will get from them.


I think under the circumstances, I will stick with the OEM cartridges from Canon.




