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Re: Bye-Bye Canon / Pixma MX 892 Won't Turn On


Another Canon bites the dust.  My MX922 printer, which was barely used, suddenly quit working.  First, there was the B200 code.  From what I understand, B200 indicates a hardware problem.  Then shortly afterward the printer just shutdown and will no longer power on. I plugged the printer directly into a wall socket and removed power cable, leaving stand for a while--still nothing. When the MX922 worked I was happy with the quality of printing.  However, I wasn't happy with its constant chatter from as it went through the initiation/check process, which was annoying at times and just took too long.  Unfortunately, the Canon inkjet printers are apparently plauged by sudden breakdowns, particularly just flat out quiting out of nowhere.  I wish I had known about such problems before I purchased the MX922.  Suffice it to say, I am done with Canon.  Let's be honest, Canon did not fix the hardward issues certainly into 2016 because it appears the loss/gain margin simply does not make it worth Canon's time to use better electronic components or redesign or add electronics that will prevent sudden shutdown and failure. I don't know about the newest all-in-one history, but frankly I'm not interested. I am not going to chance wasting another $100 or more on another Canon printer.  By the way, my previous printer was a HP Laserjet 4M, which was reliable and I never experienced one hardward issue. Though the HP was also lightly used over a 20-year plus perior until the technology was too slow for me to bear and I wanted a color printer. So, I going back to HP. Hewlett-Packard, you have my business from here on out.  Sorry Canon.  I gave it a try, but when Canon builds and refuse to fix ovious compenent/design issues it cannot expect a loyal customer base.  Cannon is apparently looking at the immediate bottom line instead of building a loyal customer base, willing to recommend its products to others--Bad decision!



I totally agree with previous customer and had the same issue today.


I have a Cannon Pixma 892 = none of those "suggested" workarounds actually work. In fact the one that says to lift and start the printer with the printer head in the middle is the worst!!! after that step the Canon printer is totally dead = and believe me I tried everything. Shame on Canon for such little support and steroptipic / boilerplate answers good for nothing. They have a really big bug here which happens on many models considering all people posting about the exact same issue!!!

I wish there was a lemon law for obvious issues like this where hundreds of customers experience the same issue but there's no fix. The printers seem like they have a usage timer on them that causes them to breakdown after a certain time. How can so many people be writing about this same issue concerning several models and all the techs have to say about it is "Unplug it for 10 minutes"? OK, So 1 out of a thousand said it worked for them. Whoop-D-Do!

It stinks of being setup.
