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Pixma iP6000D problems printing newsletter with numerious photos


I have been triing to print a WordPerfect file used to create a newsletter and also create a PDF file of it. At the poiint that it is 6 pages (8.5" X11" sheets) long with 4 photos within the 3.5" wide columns on page 1 and some small icons in .jpg scattered throughout it will print and "Publish to PDF".  But if I add two more pages of photos that are in .jog format it will not print and if I try to create a PDF the progress bar goes part way and quits.  Do any of you have suggestions for this first time poster?  I may well have forgotten something that will help solve this so please feel free to ask me questions.


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi Jane_B,


Because the issue also happens when you attempt to "Publish to PDF", it would appear as though the issue is not with your PIXMA iP6000D, but with the computer you are attempting to create the newsletter with.


This did not solve my problem as it is my understanding that WordPervect Version X4 (and other versions for years) uses the printer driver to "Publish to PDF".  The problem with it not completeing occurrs at the same point if trying to print to paper with my attached printer or "Publish to PDF".  If I do not have those 2 pages of photos in the file I can both print and Publish to PDF.


I am new to this forum and not sure what other features I can use to make the problem clearer.

