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Pixma MG7520 will Not Turn On


Hello, I have the Pixma MG7520. All of a sudden it just stopped printing in the middle of a job this morning and turned off. I since have not been able to get the printer to turn back on. I have unplugged several times and also moved to a different outlet. It starts to look like it's booting up, but then just shuts off. I have had the printer several years but it does not get heavy use; not sure if it's just age or if there is something else to try and get the printer to turn on. TIA


I did that and was on hold for 2 hours.  That is why I posted the solution in here, so others wouldn't have to go through that.  Please see my post with the solution instead of calling.


Thank you for this! Fixed now!  

How do I do that?

Is all this done on the printer?

Look for my solution. It works, no pimples. Promise.  Search for: EASY FIX if your printer won't turn on

Look for my solution. Search for: EASY FIX if your printer won't turn on

Yes.  As instructed above- disconnect router.  My MG7520 printer turned on after doing so. I had to swipe right from screen on printer to get to the set up menu. Was easily able to touch the last three digit code and reset to 001.  Turned router back on and now everything works. Good luck

After reading this answer and marking forcefully the question as "SOLVED" I can observe that Canon has a feeble customer service worth changing. Never more a Canon in my life.

Thank you Sheri99 🙏 - Worked exactly as explained on my MG7520 ..🙂


Thanks Sheri99. I am able to print again thanks to your post! Most Grateful!!  : )

