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Pixma MG2520 Refuses to print entire page


Hello. This is the first time I've ever had this problem. I frequent reinstalling my OS whenever it begins to slow down immensely or whenever I'm spooked by the idea that I may have an infection of some type, so I've always had to install my printer's drivers time and time again. This time around I have a new problem and that my printer (Pixma MG2520 as stated in the title) downright refuses to print the entire page.


What leaves me more confused is that I seem to have messed around with what seems to be every setting, taking advice from all over the internet, and reinstalling my printer's drivers a few times to no avail.

It's not that I'm trying to print a document that is sized for a legal document onto a sheet of letter paper, but something that should be printed as a 1:1 ratio. For an example, here is a document I've had no problem printing before and suddenly have a problem with now. Note that the first image is with Fit to page ticked off and the second image is with that feature turned on. Both give me the same results.

Figure 1: Default




Now yes, I do understant that it is just the bottom part of the paper, but for someone who prints out several documents on a monthly basis, it really becomes a problem when I have to keep in mind spacing my document a few paragraphs, sometimes mid-sentence, a few times toward the bottom of each page.


Do you all know of anything I can do to fix this? Thank you for your time.



I will never buy a Canon product again and will make sure anyone who asks learns why .

Canon simply does not stand behind their product. 
