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PIXMA iP7250 prints "shadow/double" letters, words, sentences, etc... making the text unreadable


We have two Canon printers, MG5650 and MX450 and on both printers is the same problem after approx. 4,5 years.


Hi All,


I've put together a Test Page to demonstrate the problem.  Both columns in the Test Page are identical.  The only difference is that the text on the left hand side is Black, whereas the text on the right hand side is Dark Blue.


The graphics are identical on both sides and are Black.


You can clearly see that even when printed on the same page, the black text is treated differently.  The black text in the left hand column exhibits the error, with various lines appearing sharper or more blurry than others.


The text on the right hand column is uniformly sharp and prints correctly.


Note that the text objects in the graphics on both sides is blurry, but any graphically printed objects are sharp.


Also note that the black text in the left hand column should appear identical in thickness and sharpness as the text in the right hand column. 


This test clearly shows it's not a mechanical error with the printer (as both sides would exhibit the same fault), but potentially either a print head problem associated only with the black text inkjets, or a software problem.  Either way, you can see it shouldn't be happening.


Canon - you have been deadly silent on this issue   😞   Comments?


Test Page Printout

Absolutely correct. I see that same issue as well on my MX922, the blue is sharp and black always blurred. Can't use Black and White, better to check the Color box before printing. You'll get a little bit of clarity but it won't be the black text. Aggravating!! 

hi, if you've still got this problem I suggest trying the 'print head alignment thing in the settings.

Please read the entire thread guys.. the first thing people did was try the printer head alignment.  This is a much bigger problem.

I did do the print head alignment and tested it. Yes, it is somewhat better but still not as sharp as the blue text - I printed using COLOR, not black and white. The text is not BLACK, it's soft gray. Continuing to be not acceptable.


I think what I'll do is write a letter to the NY State Attorney General's office, referencing this thread. (Canon is headquartered on Long Island, NY.) Perhaps they can get Canon to address this issue or have Canon issue compensation to those who are experiencing this problem. I would suggest similar action by others. If the Attorney General gets enough letters, they may investigate further. I would also copy the Dep't. of Consumer Affais on that letter.


I have just registered here, and find this thread amazing! I posted about another problem with "Full Ink Absorbers" under Printers-Multifunction Support  (


Canon clearly have no respect for customers, just money.Smiley Mad




I just wanted to see if anyone has had any luck sorting this problem out?

I've got a Canon iP2800 and it does the same.

Its strange because the print tests always come out ok (atleast with no obvious "shade").


It's so frustrating.


I went away and did some more goodling....has anyone else tried a 'print head alignment'?


I did... and it actually seems to have made a big difference.

Takes a tiny bit of patience, and I found it under the 'test print' section or the settings.
