PIXMA TS9521C - Black fuzz/Dots


Hello, I've had my canon for a while and it started having an issue (see image) where the black makes dots/ghosting/grainy bits now on the image. I have tried running the all of printer maintenance on the device; nozzle checks, cleaning, deep cleaning, auto head alignment, roller cleaning, and bottom plate cleaning and it hasn't fixed the issue. I have also changed the cartridges as well. Anything else I can try? 

black lines.JPG


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi Mews,

What version of Windows is installed on your computer?
If you are usinga Mac,what version of the macOS is installed?

What type of paper are you printing on?
Who is the manufacturer of that paper?






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Hi Patrick

I am using Windows 10. Version 10.0.19045 Build 19045

As for paper, it happens with glossy, glossy sticker paper, regular photocopy, cardstock and premium satin so the fuzz consistent through out all paper types I have. I do not know the manufacturer of the most used glossy sticker paper, but my other papers are Canon, Koala, and Recollections.
