My iPad2 won’t print to MG3220 AirPrinter.


My iPad2 won’t print to MG3220 AirPrinter.  I have a new router in my wi-fi network.  I reinstalled the printer using my Windows 7 laptop.  The iPad2 “finds” the MG3220, but spends a lot of time “contacting” it, and ultimately says it’s “offline”, but the HP Control Panel says the MG3220 is “online” and “ready”.  My son’s iPad2 prints to the MG3220 just fine.  What’s happening?


Product Expert
Product Expert



Since you are able to print from your computer and your other iPad, please try the following steps on your own iPad:


1.  On your iOS device, open Settings.

2.  Select Wi-Fi.

3.  Turn Wi-Fi off.

4.  Wait a few moments, then turn Wi-Fi back on.

5.  Ensure that the correct network is selected.

6.  Close settings.


Once this has been done, open Safari and try printing to test the unit. 


If the printer still cannot be detected, please turn the iOS device off and back on.  Then check to make sure that the correct network is chosen before attempting to print again.


If these troubleshooting steps do not work, feel free to call us at 1-800-OKCANON.

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When I don’t use the Print for a long time, it usually “turns off.”  The best way to keep it active is to use it every 4 hours or less; sometimes it remains active longer, but I haven’t figured out what to do to keep it active all the time.


Before following your instructions, I checked the Devices and Printers function on my HP, but it showed the MG3220 was “offline”.  Neither computer showed the printer was active.  Then I tried the suggestion you offered concerning “re-booting” wi-fi on the iPad.  It didn’t work.  Then I “cycled” the iPad off and on.  Nothing changed; the iPad still did not find the printer, and neither did the HP.


The problem seems to be with the printer, not the iPad.  Either both computers can print using the MG3220, or neither of them can.


Would it make a difference if the MG3220 were listed as the default printer? functionThe only thing that I have found works consistently?
