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MP830 strange noise


I have had my MP830 since it came out & never had a problem with it until recently. It started off the error "Lock Switch" and I know it is not on. I did everything as per the instructions for this error and still refused to work. I left it off power for a day. The next time I switched it on, I decided to print from my computer and it worked. When I tried to copy, it gave me a black printed page. When I tried to copy again, it started to make a horrible "shattering" noise for quite a long time. Then it gave the Lock switch problem again. I switched it off, waited a while and tried to scan this time. First it said lamp warming up & nothing happened. After a while, lock switch problem again.

I left the printer for the day again and tried the next day. This time, when I tried to copy, I opened up the lid and noticed that one of the 2 cables you can see (the inner/thinner one) is making a "shooting" noise and I could see that cable shaking not pulling the scanner unit along. I know the scanner unit is fine as the light is on. Before this I saw the scanner unit being pulled along half way then stopped followed but the lock switch error.

What I would like to know is what is causing this problem and if it is one of the logic board that needs to be replaced. I know one can no longer order the parts for this printer anymore but I really like to know what the problem is. Can anyone help me on this please?
