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I have a canon pixma mx360 all in one printer and it won't print


my printer won't print I just replaced the ink. I tried to trouble shoot the printer, and it said that I had a printer error in the que.

I cleared the que and it still won't print. can you please help me figure this out? my printer is a pixma canon mx360 all in one

ink jet.


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hello 0shelia.


Please try restarting your computer to see if this may resolve the error.


If the issue persists, we would like some additional information to try and resolve this issue.   Please tell us the following:


1.  Are you able to perform copies directly from the printer?


2.  What is the exact error that appears on your computer when printing fails?


3.  What version of Windows or Mac OSX is on your computer.


Once we have this information we will try to assist you further.

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I have a similar problem.  My scanner won't scan.  A ScanGear window pops up with a message that says the scanner is turned off or the USB cable is not connected.  That's not correct.  Everything is connected properly and the printer will print.  I'm not sure about the fax feature.  It gives me the codes "5,156,61."  I tried to update the drivers, but still no luck.  Do I need another cable maybe...?


Also, I can make color and b/w copies fine.

Hello wendasa,


So that the Community can help you better, we will need to know exactly which operating system is running on your computer.


Thanks and have a great day!



I'm using Windows 8.1.  Also, I have it connected to my HP Notebook PC.



Hi wendasa,


If you have any antivirus or firewall programs on your computer, please temporarily disable them and then try to scan again.  Sometimes these programs can block the scanning process of the printer.  If you are still unable to scan, we can try scanning using the Microsoft Paint program to see if the scanner function of the printer is working.  To attempt to scan using Microsoft Paint, please follow these steps:

1.  Launch Windows Paint by pressing the Windows Key+ R, then typing mspaint, then clicking OK.

2.  Once inside of Paint, in the upper left corner you will see a blue square; please click on that and select FROM SCANNER OR CAMERA.  A window will appear asking you what device you want to use.  Please select the PIXMA MX360, then press the OK button.

3.  In the next window, you should have the option of selecting a document type; please select one, then press the SCAN button in the window.

Are you able to scan using Microsoft Paint?

If this is a time-sensitive matter, additional support options are available at Contact Us.



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Our printer won't print. It will copy, it has plenty f ink. It's wireless and we recently changed our wifi password and our laptop couldn't find the printer. However this much has now been resolved and it still won't print. Was printing fine last week, but then we scanned something. Now there does not seem to be an option to print a document, only options are to copy or scan. Not sure where to go from here, but it's very important we be able to print today.

are you using a Windows or a Mac?

I am having same problem

Printer has ink will scan but not print says error