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I have a Canon Pixma MG2400. It will not allow me to print 8X10 photos on Photo paper at high setti


My printer won't allow me to print 8X10 photos on glossy paper and high settings. Also my ink guage doesn't reset



i am so frustrated and disapointed with this printer. NEVER have I not been able to print a glossy 8x10 photo before. This is rediculous. 



When printing photos, the only paper sizes that are availble for this model are 4"x6", 5"x7", Letter (8.5"x11") and A4.  Please take this account when attempting to print photos in the future.

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Did you bother to READ what the issue was?  It was about printing on GLOSSY PHOTO PAPER.  If Canon printers can not print an 8x10 like other printers do, what good are they?  I have been using printers and computers for many years.  I KNOW how to print a photo.  Apparently your printer does not.

Hello. Thanks for reaching out!


The question was read and answered. THIS printer was not designed to print a photo larger than a 5x7.


If you need further assistance, feel free to reach out to support via your My Canon Account at


If you're outside of the USA, please reach out to Canon in your country or region. 


Have a great day! 

Well at least you answered the original question.. printer not designed for 8x10 glossy. That said, I will never buy another Canon printer.


This worked well for my Canon MG-2922.

In Printer Properties, select:

Media Type: Plain Paper

Print Quality: High

Insert 8x10 glossy paper and print. The result is Very Good!

I know this post is old but I hope this helps someone as it helped me to print on 8x10 Glossy Paper with Very Good Results.


This worked well for my Canon MG-2922.

In Printer Properties, select:

Media Type: Plain Paper

Print Quality: High

Insert 8x10 glossy paper and print. The result is Very Good!

I know this post is old but I hope this helps someone as it helped me to print on 8x10 Glossy Paper with Very Good Results.

This worked well for my Canon MG-2922.

In Printer Properties, select:

Media Type: Plain Paper

Print Quality: High

Insert 8x10 glossy paper and print. The result is Very Good!

I know this post is old but I hope this helps someone as it helped me to print on 8x10 Glossy Paper with Very Good Results.
