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How to Automaticaly scan 2-sides doc to multiple 2 pages pdf in CapturePerfect




I have a (big) bunch of familiy photso, with comments handwriten on the back of the photos.

I would like to scan each photo in a separate PDF file, with recto AND verso, while using automatic feeder of my ( good) DR-2580C.


example: I put a pile of photo P1, P2, P3 in the front of the scanner.

I want to have in one pass, 3 pdfs: pdf 1, pdf2, pdf3 each having respectively the recto and verso of each photo ( pdf1 will have two page, with P1 recto, and P1 verso)


I cannot find  the combinaison of option to achieve this with Capture perfect 3.0.

Can someone help me to setup a job for that purpose?

Probably the 'batch separation' options, that appears in different place, is the solution ? somewhere else ?



Thanks in advance for your help.

hp tf

