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Belated congratulations for the TS8151


I currently have four Canon printers in various locations and have let many more go in the past. The one that shines is the TS8151 - for great printing, ease of scanning (at last!), simple photocopying and last, but far from least, effortless printing on DVD/CDs.


In the past, EVERY Canon printer has obviously been designed to be used on uncluttered surfaces in laboratory-type conditions. The DVD or CD had to be PRECISELY placed in the input slot at the front of the printer, not completely in and not a millimeter too far out. You had to perfectly line up two imprecisely placed markers. The problem we all have in our chaotic, squeezed lives is that our printers get placed in obscure places, on shelves, in inconvenient corners and getting those markers to align was mostly by luck. The engineers who designed those 'Personal Printers' obviously NEVER used them at home.


At last it seems that one of those engineers did try one in a typical home. With the TS8151 you just push the tray into the front of the printer until you can't any more, you press the 'ready' button and you walk away. No more tiresome message about the DVD isn't on the tray when it patently is!


So well done, AT LAST, Canon. For the future, when marketing something as 'Personal', can you PLEASE actually try it in the intended environment?
