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Downloadble CD image or solution disk software


Hi, everyone.


I have a Canon 60Da with the CD, but my computer has no CD reader. So, of course, I cannot install the EOS Utility.


I have my serial number. Therefore, I was looking for the image of the CD or, at least, the EOS Digital Solution Disk Software, allegedly available in Canon websites. But, frankly, I searched for a good time, even in links provided by people from this forum, and I could not find them.


Could someone provide me the exact link for the image of the Canon 60Da CD or the EOS Digital Solution Disk Software, please?






@Jairo wrote:



That is the only way to install the EOS Utility. For kafkaesque reasons, Canon webpage provides only updates for it, not the full install.


After I get the full install, then I will surely update it.

Not exactly true.  Did you try installing the software listed under the Windows 10 option?

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Use the video to how to install the EOS utility