How do you achieve clean HDMI output on a Canon Vixia HF W10 camcorder?


How do you achieve clean HDMI output on a Canon Vixia HF W10 camcorder? On this page,
You have to click on the "Clean HDMI" hyperlink. Canon indicates the HF W10 is compatible with their webcam utility software. However, when you go to look for the webcam utility download (which is model-specific apparently), it's nowhere to be found. I've tried everything to get the icons to fully go away during a live feed. It's not happening. I bought this model camera because it was included on a list that would work with Canon's webcam software. If I can't get clean HDMI output from the camcorder, I'll unload it and buy a different one. Any help is appreciated.


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi there,


The EOS Webcam Utility is currently only compatible with select EOS and Powershot cameras, I do not see any compatibility information for any Vixia models. The HDMI output on this camera does not have a setting for [Clean HDMI output] but i do see on page 59 of the manual ( that there is a setting in the menu to disable the date and time from showing on the TV (or other HDMI output) int he menu system which would be necessary to reduce the number of icons appearing on the HDMI output.

Hi Mark, thank you for your reply. Now I'll show you where it indicates that the Vixia HF W10 can achieve clean HDMI output. Go to
scroll to the bottom where it says OTHER WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR VIDEO QUALITY. Click on Clean HDMI. Scroll to the bottom where it says CURRENT COMPATIBLE PRODUCTS. Click on VIXIA Camcorders. What do you see? I see VIXIA HF W10 clearly listed. This is apparently false information and has influenced people to buy a Canon Vixia HF W10. How do I know that? I bought one because of this misinformation. 

Not sure if you figured it out already but the HF W10 should work for you.
With no HDMI cord connected follow this navigation
Menu>Connection Settings>Display on TV>OFF
That will give you Clean HDMI out 🙂