GX10 focus via touchsreen


Hi there!

I have a problem with auto focussing via touchscreen. A very handy feature.

I can abuse auto tracking by going in and out auto tracking, and re-focus, but this doesn't work well.


Look at this video please from 04.20 minutes:



I just won't get it to work.

Idea's anyone?


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Hi Charllz,


In order to focus the way it is presented in the video the AF Frame Size option, in the second section of the camcorder tab in the menu, will need to be changed from Automatic to either Large or Small (Small is being used in the video).


When set to Automatic no AF frame is displayed on the screen and the camcorder focuses automatically on a subject in the center of the frame (no touch possible).


When set to either Large or Small, an AF frame is displayed and can be moved to focus on a specific subject within an area of about 80% of the screen which you can touch to tell the camcorder where to focus. Changing the AF Frame size is described on page 49 of the camcorder's manual HERE.


In the video clip there are two types of focusing going on. At first the automatic Face Detection AF is active, highlighting the person's face. Then as the camera pans down, and there is no longer a face to focus on, the user can tap on the screen to pick another point of focus. Once the person's face comes back into the frame the Face Detection AF takes back over and switches to the face.


For further assistance with the various focus features of this camcorder, please CLICK HERE to reach our friendly Technical Support Team by phone or email.


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Hi Charllz,


In order to focus the way it is presented in the video the AF Frame Size option, in the second section of the camcorder tab in the menu, will need to be changed from Automatic to either Large or Small (Small is being used in the video).


When set to Automatic no AF frame is displayed on the screen and the camcorder focuses automatically on a subject in the center of the frame (no touch possible).


When set to either Large or Small, an AF frame is displayed and can be moved to focus on a specific subject within an area of about 80% of the screen which you can touch to tell the camcorder where to focus. Changing the AF Frame size is described on page 49 of the camcorder's manual HERE.


In the video clip there are two types of focusing going on. At first the automatic Face Detection AF is active, highlighting the person's face. Then as the camera pans down, and there is no longer a face to focus on, the user can tap on the screen to pick another point of focus. Once the person's face comes back into the frame the Face Detection AF takes back over and switches to the face.


For further assistance with the various focus features of this camcorder, please CLICK HERE to reach our friendly Technical Support Team by phone or email.


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Hi William

That's a great help! Thanks.

I understand that if you want only the touch screen for focussing,

just quit Face Detection.

Also... I just have to practice more with the focus ring. But I always feel

I'm one hand short 😉 when not on tripod.

One other thing is great, changing the diriction of the focus ring!

Now finally it feels right... right turn > further away, left turn > closer by... 

May sound stupid, but I never got that right...


Thanks again for your help!

