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Is there Much Difference in Quality and FoV?


All that has been done is to drastically downsize the images for posting, in part by using a 1:1 format on both.  These were taken within seconds of each other, of the same bird (a Takahe), in patchy available light, hand-held.

To me there is very little difference between the two images, so one can get the same FoV and general performance by using a large capacity camera, and putting it in crop mode with the short FL lens.

EOS R5, RF 100-500 1.6x crop 567mm(equivalent), f/9, 1/250sec, ISO-3200EOS R5, RF 100-500 1.6x crop 567mm(equivalent), f/9, 1/250sec, ISO-3200R6, RF 200-800, 570mm, f/8, 1/640sec, ISO-400R6, RF 200-800, 570mm, f/8, 1/640sec, ISO-400

cheers, TREVOR

The mark of good photographer is less what they hold in their hand, it's more what they hold in their head;
"All the variety, all the charm, all the beauty of life is made up of light and shadow", Leo Tolstoy;
"Skill in photography is acquired by practice and not by purchase" Percy W. Harris

Hi Joe.  Sorry, rather tied up with non-photography issues...  I promise to give your photo's their deserved attention! {:-)
There are rumors that an announcement for the R5II is due later this month - but again, a rumor...

cheers, TREVOR

The mark of good photographer is less what they hold in their hand, it's more what they hold in their head;
"All the variety, all the charm, all the beauty of life is made up of light and shadow", Leo Tolstoy;
"Skill in photography is acquired by practice and not by purchase" Percy W. Harris