Inside Charles V Palace R6 Mrk2 RF15-35@15mm f6.3 ISO-100 SS 1/125s Handheld2nd Floor of the Palace R6 Mrk2 RF15-35@15mm f6.3 ISO-100 SS 1/320s Handheld2nd floor of the Palace R6 Mrk2 RF15-35@15mm f3.5 f3.5 ISO-100 SS 1/100s Handheld
The building design of the Palace of Emperor Charles V was inspired by the classic formulas of Greco-Roman antiquity, symbol of power and perfection, recovered from the Italian Renaissance.
Ancora Imparo
"A good photograph is knowing where to stand."
― Ansel Adams
"There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept."
–- Ansel Adams
"You don’t take a photograph, you make it."
--- Ansel Adams