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Capturing the Saffron-crowned Tanager in the Andean Cloud Forest



The Saffron-crowned Tanager, scientifically known as Tangara xanthocephala, is a striking bird found in the lush cloud forests of the Andes. During a recent visit to La Minga Ecolodge near Cali, Colombia, I had the privilege of photographing this vibrant species in its natural habitat.


The image features the tanager perched delicately on a moss-covered branch, surrounded by a blurred green backdrop of dense foliage. Its saffron-yellow crown and shimmering turquoise plumage are vividly highlighted by the soft, diffused light filtering through the forest canopy. The interplay of colors and textures captures the beauty and complexity of this Andean bird, drawing attention to its role within the ecosystem.

For this shot, I used the Canon R5 paired with the RF 100-500mm lens at its maximum focal length of 500mm. The camera selected a shutter speed of 1/500 to balance the wide-open aperture of f/6.7 at this zoom range, ensuring sharpness while maintaining the shallow depth of field that isolates the tanager from the background. To handle the low-light conditions of the cloud forest, I set the ISO manually to 800, preserving the vibrant colors and minimizing noise in the final image.

This experience was further enriched by the expertise of Asherita Viajera, a Colombian birding guide whose knowledge of the region’s avian species helped me locate and observe this elusive bird. Exploring the cloud forests with someone so passionate about conservation added depth to the experience, reinforcing the importance of preserving these habitats.

The Saffron-crowned Tanager is not just a beautiful subject—it plays a vital ecological role in pollination and seed dispersal, contributing to the health of its forest environment. Capturing its image was a reminder of how interconnected life is in these unique ecosystems and the importance of protecting them for future generations.

©2021 Adam Rainoff Photographer
