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Capturing the Quiet Beauty of a Female Gray Seedeater



In the serene landscapes of San Pablo de Borbur, Boyacá, Colombia, I encountered the Female Gray Seedeater (Sporophila intermedia), perched gracefully on a slender branch. Her understated earthy yellows and tans blended harmoniously with the soft, natural hues of the background. The simplicity of this moment, where the bird’s calm demeanor met the gentle colors of the surroundings, was a scene that begged to be immortalized through the lens.

To achieve this image, I relied on the Canon R5, using the RF800mm f/11 lens paired with a 1.4x extender, resulting in an effective focal length of 1120mm. Shooting at 1/60 second, f/16, and ISO 400, I aimed to capture the intricate details of her plumage while maintaining a soft, blurred background that would emphasize the bird’s delicate form. The high resolution and precise focus capabilities of the Canon R5 were indispensable in rendering the sharpness and depth of this image, making the bird the undeniable focal point.

This image not only highlights the technical prowess of the equipment used but also underscores the importance of preserving the natural beauty of regions like San Pablo de Borbur. As a photographer, moments like these are reminders of the serene elegance found in nature, and the necessity to protect these environments for future generations to enjoy and explore.

©2023 Adam Rainoff Photographer
