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Capturing the Grace of the Long-Tailed Sylph



 Photographing the Long-tailed Sylph (Aglaiocercus kingii) at La Minga Ecolodge in the Río Bitaco Forest Reserve, Colombia, was an unforgettable experience. Known for its dazzling emerald plumage and remarkable tail feathers, this bird is a prized subject for bird photographers. The male Sylph’s vibrant colors and elegant pose brought the essence of the cloud forest to life in this image.

To achieve this shot, I relied on the Canon EOS R5 paired with the RF 800mm lens, an ideal setup for capturing such elusive subjects. The Sylph perched unexpectedly after hours of observing its swift and erratic flight. My settings were adjusted for fast action: a shutter speed of 1/4000 second to freeze any movement, an aperture of f/6.7 to balance sharpness and depth of field, and an ISO of 3200 to manage the low light in the dense forest. The camera’s advanced image stabilization played a crucial role in maintaining clarity while shooting handheld.

This image stands out not only for its subject but also for the conditions under which it was captured. The natural light filtering through the canopy created a soft, diffused backdrop that highlighted the bird’s iridescence. Waiting patiently for the Sylph to settle allowed me to focus on composition, emphasizing its long tail feathers and vibrant hues against the lush greens of the forest.

The Río Bitaco Forest Reserve is a testament to the importance of conservation. This protected area is home to an astonishing array of bird species, making it a haven for nature enthusiasts and photographers alike. It was an honor to visit this location and bring back an image that tells the story of the Sylph and its habitat.

I hope this photo inspires others to explore the beauty of wildlife photography and the responsibility we have to preserve these fragile ecosystems.

©2021 Adam Rainoff Photographer
