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pixma pro 100 versus pixma ip8720




I'm in the market for a new photo printer.  I've had Epsons for years but these Canons really look nice.  I'm looking at the Pixma Pro 100 and the Pixma ip8720.  What is your opinion?






I own a Pixma Pro-100 and cannot remember if it can print on conventional paper, like 11x17 inch.  Because printing raster grapics from CAD software, like Autocad, would be serious overkill on a Pro-100, if you had to use photo paper.  Not unless you plan on printing 3D rendered images, which could be worthy of framing.


If you all you need is hard copy output for markups, then using photo paper would be overkill.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Can I ask what did you buy finaly?

 I gone through two canon pixma printer in two years. the firs was a Pixma MG5450 which was ok for 1.5 years, then it stated to display error codes, printhead manual cleaning helped, but since few weeks no matter what I do it does not want to print and same error code comes up. B200


The second is a Pixma MG6450 which is very slow, it keeps telling me to conect to the wifi, which is already connected, does not want to print through wifi, only wired printing is available. it  feels and look very cheap.


Now I am wondering to buy something high end to assura reliabality, something would serve us for years.


I am not the one who use the printer, but my employer. he is amateur photographer and on the weekend sometimes he pring 100-200 photos. Seems these printer can not keep printing and printing for hours.


Early days we used to have Kodak ESP C315, the printing quality was not as good but reliabality was excellent, it still works.


So what is your thought about the printer you finaly purchased.


If Canon support see this tread I would be greatful if someone can help me with the error codes and some solution.

The printing software for the ip8720 model is HORRIBLE! I have wasted hours trying to print 12.95 x 20" prints! If I try to use 13" wide the software tells me no- must be under 12.95". The software also limits the length to 26.66" OK. Canon online help says you can print 12.95 x 26.5" prints. Fine. I can print with specified paper 13.00 x 19.00 inch which is a size cut-sheet paper you buy. Why does the printer software limit it to 12.95inch wide? If I try to enter 12.95 (or 13.00) wide x 20.0 (or 20.1) inch the printer. no matter what kind of photo paper I specify, reverts to 12" wide or 14" wide!!! The 14" wide paper setting then forces the printer to scale the print down from full size so it will fit on a 12" wide paper! The printer physically can not take wider than 13". THE SOFTWARE IS VERY CONVOLUTED TOO! You have to go through about 6 levels to get to set a custom print or page size! DO NOT BUY IF UNLESS YOU WANT TO PRINT NO LARGER THAN 13 x 29" USELESS FOR ROLL STOCK TO GET OTHER THAN STANDARD SHEET SIZES! When the software changes the page size on you it does not warn you it has done so! YOU MUST PREVIEW YOUR PRINTS TO SEE WHAT THE PRINTER HAS DECIDED TO DO WITH YOUR INPUTS! HORRIBLE SOFTWARE.  i hope the Pro100 has better software.
