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PIXMA PRO-200 suddenly totally off, color, tone etc... Can't fix.


Hi, I've had a 200 for a few years now. Don't print that much with it, I did a lot with a Pixma 100, total workhorse. So this past week I needed to make some prints. My displays are color calibrated with Datacolor Spyder X2. So usually I don't need heavy fine tuning for an acceptable print. This week the PIXMA has gone totally wacko. I've done everything I could, replace an ink cartridge, re-calibrated my displays, used the maintenance tools in the printers menu. No difference, same results, unusable prints. What don't I understand here? What should I do? Help. (MacStudio 2022 on Sonoma 14.6)



Having a similar issue. Went to print a bunch of photos and the first few were fine and then it looks like the yellow stopped working. Tank is full and I'm doing multiple cleans. 

Nope, that's not it for me. That did not work. Thanks though.


Poster here: so it took THREE days to fix. Today the Canon support was helpful, until the chat window closed. Then, no access. I had to: connect printer via wifi to update firmware, delete current drivers multiple times, use older driver from the Mac OS, so I could get access again to color sync, got repeated mismatch size errors, have to manually set "ignore margins" or something, but finally, I can print a decent print. What a nightmare. I think this was all caused by downloading the most recent Canon driver, that has zero options for printing from Lightroom or Photoshop, with color sync, or profiles, or selecting different types of paper. Will this continue to work? I'm not confident it will, and that's not a good feeling. In conclusion: my next printer gonna be an Epson. 
