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imageCLASS MF654Cdw Scanner Trouble, Cannot communicate with scanner error


Good day, 
I keep getting the error below; 

"Cannot communicate with scanner.
Cable may be disconnected or scanner may be turned off.
Check status.
Scanner driver will be closed.

I'm on a windows 11 pro os and the printer is an MF654Cdw

I have deleted the printer from computer uninstalled all the drivers and scan gear several times, yet it still does not work, from the drivers and software menu i have 3 options to download that say recommended, I've tried downloading all three (Master Setup (Windows),[Windows 32bit & 64bit] MF Scan Utility Ver.,[Windows 64bit] MF656Cdw/ MF654Cdw/ MF653Cdw/ MF652Cw MFDrivers (Generic Plus UFR II / Generic FAX / ScanGear) yet the scanning still does not work.

Any help with this matter would really be appreciated.

Thank you
