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Network printer.


Canon network printer LBP6670dn goes sleep and sometimes doesn't wake up when printing. Usualy at the mornings. Auto shut down is turned of.  IP, gateway and mask are corect.



Help someone to help you.  Please provide a little more information so that someone else can better understand your issue by reproducing your exact same circumstances.


Has it ever worked properly?  How long have you had the printer?


What type of network, windows or mac?  What type of device are you trying to print from? 


Does the device that you're printing from stay powered up the entire time before/after the printer goes to sleep?


Does the device that you're printing from go to sleep before/after the printer goes to sleep?


Does the device that you're printing from report printer "ready" status?  If so, what is it?


Have you checked the Canon web site for the lastest software updates?


Try to think of everything you can so that someone else can try to reproduce your exact circumstances.



"The right mouse button is your friend."

Somtiems it works properly, sometimes not.

We use this printer for half month.

Five computers with windows operating system 7 or 8, problem occures to evry PC.

Sometimes pc is turned of sometimes not.

Printer is turned on all the time.

I can see printer as "ready".


Situation today: Printer is redy. Quick print. Waiting a while. Document failed to print. (error: one document waiting)

Canceling document. Printing again. Waiting a while. Manualy waking up printer, one time pushing button with moon symbol. Document sucssesfuly printed.


There isn't difrence betwen quick print or normal printing, problem occures both ways.





