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Sx 260 Hs


Can anyone help me with the settings for the SX 260Hs when taking action shots? Any tips would be great. All of my pictures either come out really blurry or really dark.


What setting should I play around with?


I tried changing the shutter speed which took away the blur but all the photos were really dark.


Thanks for the help!!



Very hard to give a definitive answer since each lighting condition has different settings to use. In addition to shutter speed, you could use a higher ISO, although too high and the pictures will look grainy. If you use spot metering, you could have the camera only meter the lghting at the center of the picture. Also, the aperture can be varied to let in more light. Use a lower F number to get a larger opening on the aperture. Too low an F number (large aperture) and you may blur the background, so it depends on what you are trying to achieve.


One tip that people have given me is that the shutter speed should be set to match the focal length. For example, if you are shooting at 200mm, you would want the shutter speed to be at least 1/200 sec or faster, for 50mm a speed of 1/50 sec would eliminate blurriness. You didn't mention under what conditions you are shooting, but I am assuming you are outdoors in daylight. The lens on that camera is relatively slow in terms of how much light is let in, so if you are shooting in lower light you may be exceeding the ability of the camera. Most of this will be trial and error until you get the results you want, but there are some good videos on youtube and elsewhere to get some better insight. Tony Northrup is one of the better instructors IMHO, so Google him to see his training videos. Good luck and hopefully someone else has some better information particular to your camera.


