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Powershot SX610HS automatically turn ON


My canon Powershot SX610HS automatically get started and it shows searching for device (basically hotspot activated automatically) and then close. It is happening multiple times as long as battery remain.

Understand it like this:

1. Charged battery plugged in.

2. Automatically camera start and display "Searching for device".

3.Display message for max 10 seconds and restart.

4. Again after start display the same message. (basically it is in loop after step 2).

5.Finally, All battery drain.

6.Take out the battery to charge it.


If this event take place, we can exit it using camera lens open button (on the top that is used to take picture) but after 10-20 seconds it again start displaying same message.


But if we connect with the camera network that is hotspot created by camera with my phone with Cannon connect app. Everything works fine i.e. I can take picture and no message will display as long I use camera with the app.


No other issue than this.


Please help. My camera is out of warranty. But i want to know the reason behind it.



Okay, I tear it down and decided to remove the WiFi module expecting that camera when not found the WiFi module it will fallback to some safe point allowing other things to do and quiet when not in use.
But after removing, I found error message this time that my camera got some error. This happens because after start camera software try to start WiFi hotspot and because there is not any wifi module it show error.


I think only firmware reinstall will fix this.


However, If you have any suggestion please reply.
