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Powershot A3400 IS: unable to detect camera


For some strange reason, I can no longer upload my photos. The screen for transferring photos does not appear. I tried to connect to the camera through the image browser, but it says it cannot detect the camera.  I downloaded the updated image browser but that did not help.


I am using the same USB cord and port that I always have, and which worked as recently as two weeks ago. When I plug the camera in, then plug it into the USB port, it does not show as a drive on Windows Explorer.


On my old desktop which runs Vista, I put in the software disk but when I run it I get: D:\software\install\UniversalInstaller.exe "not a valid Win32 application". (The desktop is 64 bit)

On a laptop with Win7, when I try to run the software I get:  D:\software\install\UniversalInstaller.exe "Error performing inpage operation."


Any suggestions?
