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PowerShot SD630 - No power


My camera worked a couple of days again, but now has no power, it is just dead.  I fully charged the battery (battery isn't very old), cleaning the connections, holding the power button (both with the battery in and without after reading such suggestions) and nothing works.  Any suggestions what I can try next?


Rising Star

We need to be sure if the battery IS charging, is there any possibilites of trying another battery. Do not overlook the fact the charger could also be faulty.


Before casting 'evil eyes' on the camera I would ensure the battery is faully charge, by trying it in another camer that takes an identical battery or trying another.


You did the right thing in cleaning the connections, but what about the connections in the camera - have they been sprained and not making contact with the battery terminals? Other than that check out a repair agent in your area.





Thank you very much for your reply.  I have a couple of follow up questions as I am not very knowledgeable about this. 


1.  If the charger was faulty, would it still show the colors - red while charging and green when fully charged?

NOTE:  The only other battery I have is an old one that doesn't hold much charge.  But I did charge that one up (at least the charger showed green) and it wouldn't power anything up either.


2.  How do I check the connections inside the camera?  I don't want to wreck anything more.  🙂


I was given a quote by a company I would need to send it to it would be $91.  Don't think it is worth it when the camera is almost 7 years old.  I live in a fairly rural area, but I'm checking if there is anyone around here that may do repairs.


Thank you so much for your help.  I appreciate it.


