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Scan to email quit working on MF8580CDW


(With apologies to the many other similar threads... I've read them all, and still having trouble)


I've put together a ton of screenshots that show the errors, my settings, and what I've already tried, take a look.


Have a MF8580CDW, connected to wifi. 

Trying to use scan-to-email, with a GMail account. 

But it gives error #752 every time. 


Background: It was working great for a long time, and the error began recently when someone pulled out the power cord, and the printer lost all its settings. Now I can't get it to work again.


Troubleshoting done so far:

Yes, the printer is connected to internet.

Yes, I'm pretty sure I have typed in the server name and username correctly.

Yes, the gmail account has "allow less secure apps" turned on. 

Yes, I have changed the SMTP port number. Tried 25, 465, and 587. All give same error - Error #752.


Please take a look at screenshots of everything: screenshots.


Can anyone suggest additional troubleshooting?  Thanks.








Me Too.


Set up via 587 TLS, tested, worked fine.


A few days later, it quit working with no configuration change.


This is a imageClass D1620, however.
