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SELPHY Square Q×10


I received the SELPHY Square Q ×10 for Christmas and I cannot for the life of me get it to connect to the app. It is brand new. I personally opened the box and the sample ink cartridge and sticker paper etc that came with it.  Every time I try I get to where I scan the QR code and then I  click on the option to connect to it it and a message pops up that says connection successful but then a couple seconds later a message pops up that says connection failed it tells me to check and make sure the location is turned on and that the printer is on and they are both on and it tells me try again and I've tried to do it manually but I don't understand what it wants me to do I type in the alphanumeric number I need to q r code but am I supposed to quick a box next to where it says password has been changed and then what do I put in the space where it asks for a password. Like I said it's brand-new please help me
