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Paper cassette selection when using Auto-Select


Does anyone know what logic Canon printers use when deciding which paper cassette to use when Auto-Select is enabled?


I have a MB5350 printer with two cassettes, both set to A4 paper.  When I first bought it it would default to cassette 1, as expected, but it's recently decided to use cassette 2 instead.  This unpredictability is irritating because we keep "good" paper in one cassette and cheap paper in the other.


Is there a setting somewhere to make the printer prioritise one cassette over the other?


Rising Star
Are you using Windows or Mac? You can select your paper source from the print preferences dialog box, but the location varies on OS.

I'm using Windows 7.  I know I can use the Windows printer settings to force the printer to use cassette 1 or 2 but I'm just curious to know what logic the printer applies when auto-select is used.
