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How Did You Sell Your First Photograph?


I have had no motive to sell any of my photographs.  However, as circumstances would have it, I have sold enough in recent months to purchase a couple of "L" lenses.  How did I do it?  Exposure, I guess would be the word for it.


My general practitioner had recently moved to a larger location.  The hallways were adorned with "D" and "C" sized framed prints, which they changed with the seasons.  However, the doctor's office and exam rooms had bare walls.  So, I gave the doctor a set of lighthouse prints for an exam room.  The new location is a few blocks from the shoreline.


A few patients must have noticed the change in decor, and must have asked about the source of the pictures.  The rest is, as they say, history.

"The right mouse button is your friend."


Sold my first photograph, a framed scenic, in conjunction with my first public exhibit. Neither was the best, but opened the door. That first exhibit was terrible, but invaluable in experience (I've had countless since then), as was that print. I learned that if I am to sell "ready to hang" images I'd better do a superior job of framing and mattes. That's why I do the complete job right here in my shop. Custom made, image capture to hanging on your wall. Boil it down to one word: as Waddizzle said "exposure".
