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Gluing sg 201 semigloss photo paper to smooth plywood


Is there a slower drying glue to attach photos? Sg 201 semigloss photo paper and Canon inks seem extremely durable but, the back is so glossy that only 3M spray glue will stick them to plywood. The trouble is that the glue drys too fast to best position the picture or roll out any bubbles. I mount my rints without a glass cover for best clearity and can do so because the ink is so good and waterproof. 



3M recommends applying glue to both picure and board then the gluing time may extend to 30 seconds. I'll try it today by quickly putting both together and quickly working the picture with a roller. We'll see.

SOLUTION : plus a surprise:  It's a 2 step process and needs a 3rd hand. First spray a light coat on the top edge of the board and press the top edge of the photo into it. Let dry for a minute. Give a roller to helper with instruction to roll down the middle of the photo when told to. Lift up the photo exposing the board and under side of the photo. Spray lots of glue on the board and 1 or 2 coats on the photo. Hold up the far end of the photo while the helper rolls town the center. Put fingers at the end of the paper to prevent roller from getting too much glue on it. If need to, wipe the roller with acetone. Turn the roller 90 degrees and roll picture from the center to each edge.

SURPRISE: I got some glue on the photo that had dried for 24 hours. Thinking I had nothing to loose I took a white cloth containing acetone and rubbed off the glue. It worked and did not damage the photo – no ink on the cloth! - Well done Canon!!! Keep your ink formula!!!
