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newbie SL3 questions


Hello, I am a veteran VFX artist just starting out in shooting video. I have a Canon SL3 and was hoping someone could answer some (I hope) basic questions for me.

1. I have a 50mm lens and an 18-55mm lens and a 55-250mm lens, all Canon. I got a K&F variable ND filter to learn how best to use it in different situations. I found that the filter fits perfectly on the 18-55 and the 55-250, but wont fit on the 50. Am I missing something?

2.  When using the 50 mm lens, indoors for video I have very little problem setting the correct Fstop, white balance, ISO  etc to get the depth of field and look I want. But when I go outside, everythig is blown out white unless I go to the highest F stop, thus negating any DOF I would want. I have run up and down the scales on ISO, Fstop, white balance, etc and nothing seems to work to get and DOF which I can easily get indoors. Again, am I missing something?


Thank so much for any help.


@kvbarkley wrote:


The point was not about the nomenclature, but about the fact that we talk about the shutter in terms of straight seconds *and* reciprocals.

And, my point was even simpler.  Doubling a 1/30 shutter speed means 1/60 of second, not 1/15.  I'm done.

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